Boeing 727 [19385 / 311]

Registration: N1910
Operator: Planet Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N1910American Airlines727-231966wfu Tulsa 12.09.93 TT71043,52752 L (wfu11.09.93),Stead 21.10.93 TT71046,52783 L/ own CAT 25.06.90/SPEL r9.93/FSBU r5.94/arr MIA
N1910Av Atlantic727-231994sMIA 9.05.95, Dominicana lsd 1.95 ntu,Myrtle Beach Jet Expr tit/s27.01.96 white MIA opf Bahamasair,s27.04.96 opf Air South white/ret S-C AS
N1910Planet Airways727-231998repo 12.97, nw AL Southwest USA,bt 12.06.98 xFSB, r18.06.98,pkd early 7.98,s Ft Laud 1.08.98 full col, still s14.09.98, Trans Continent AL 22.01.99, r10.03.99, Planet AL (fc), sOrlando 12.05.99, Planet AW bt 8.05.00, sold to Sierra Aircraft Leasing 08.09.04, frd MCO-Opa-Locka 11.09.04, s18.10.04 app. airworthy, s21.11.04 pkd in scrapping area, minus windshield, presum pwfu for parts, s30.04.05 white/blue tail (no longer Planet col). s07.01.06 now no engines, s20.04.06, presum scrapped since
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N1910 American AirlinesKJFKWarthog1