Boeing 727 [19392 / 317]

Registration: N503MG
Operator: Roush Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N7271FFrontier Airlines (50-86)727-1911966
N298BNBraniff Airways727-1911969Ledb ret 6.01.82 /s01.72 old red/white cs, s79 red-yellow col
N503RARegentair727-1911983own Prestige 10.84
N503RASun Coast Airlines727-1911986Prest ret 11.86
N503MGCorporate727-1911987sis 06.06.92 DUB used by U2
N503MGKal-American International Airways727-1911995sDetroit WR 4.95 xMGM col,depa by 30.04.95,s 23.07.95 again DWR,sold to Cook AcL 22.11.95 (not with Kal since) r2.96
N503MGCook Aircraft Leasing727-1911995s opf Phil Collins 12.04.97, special colours/ sNewark 10.09.99 no tit, to RD Avtn 27.11.00
N503MGRoush Air727-1912000sCharlotte 12.04.03, s11.09.06 blue, titles, optnl?, due ret RDA 11.06, sWFU Oscoda 01.07.08 with one engine and flaps missing, s08.10 wfu, canc 22.05.14 pwfu
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