Boeing 727 [19394 / 418]

Registration: J2-KBA
Operator: Djibouti Republique
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Government
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N7273FFrontier Airlines (50-86)727-1911967to Boeing 01.11.69
N300BNBraniff Airways727-1911969greenooc, red/orange oc
N3946ABurlington Northern727-1911982not in JP90,91,Meridian Oil 21.03.95,Dart Container Corp 21.03.95,r4.95
N727XDart Container727-1911995r4.95,rr 6.95
N727XCorporate727-1911996Paramount Logistics Corp 24.04.01
J2-KBADjibouti Republique727-1912001own Presidence de la Republique de Dj., frd Gander-LBG 9.05.01, replaced Falcon 50, which was there as such same day, flew westbound north Atlantic 19.01.03, sJNB 02.04, sMalta 27.02.04 (because Tripoli was "full"during African summit), sBKK 28.07.04, sLBG 24.08.04, JNB 27.04.06 nc, MLA 28.03.10, JNB 06.02.11 at maintenance area, s09.12 complete but might be str, s22.09.14 at Denel Aviation ramp JNB presum str, s09.16
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N3946A Burlington NorthernEGSSAyronautica
N3946A Burlington NorthernEGLLWarthog1