Boeing 727 [19475 / 511]

Registration: XU-RKG
Operator: Benin Golf Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N6800American Airlines727-2231968wfu 17.08.93 Dallas Love, TT69464,49350 L last svc 12.8
N316NEExpress One727-223(F)1993Emery also repo opf/conv to Freighter with ExpO 21.11.93/rr1.94/sUS Postal nw col 22.03.94 Indianapolis , s str Goodyear AZ 3.09.01 USPS col, Express One to TCT 03.11.01, to Emery WW AL 10.01.03, in svc?
N316NEEmery Worldwide Airlines727-223(F)2003still s str Goodyear 10.02.03 USPS col, s23.05.03, will be brup, own, s25.12.03 wfu, EmWW to 16.06.04 (!), sGYR 11.10.04, Sierra AcL LLC 08.10.04, frd GYR-TUS 15.01.05, to MIA 26.01.05, sOpa-Locka 30.04.05 USPS col, s07.01.06
XU-RKGBenin Golf Air727-223(F)2006sOpa-Locka rrgd, s20.04.06 although N316NE still current 21.04.06
XU-722Benin Golf Air727-223(F)2006sOpa Locka
XU-RKGBenin Golf Air727-223(F)2006sis Cotonou fc, rrgd, sCotonou 04.01.10, sAbidjan 05.02.08 presum str since
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N6800 American AirlinesKDFWWarthog1