Boeing 727 [19492 / 652]

Registration: EI-HCB
Operator: Air Contractors
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N6817American Airlines727-2231968own CAC 9.90,Tulsa 30.01.95 TT71913,50073 L
N6817Kal-American International Airways727-2231995wfu r12.94,Tulsa-MIA 13.02.95,s4.95 metallic,id 22.05.95
EI-HCBHunting Cargo Airlines727-223(F)1995ro 29.8 as EI,30.8 N for ferry,r2.09.95,is 6.9
EI-HCBAir Contractors727-223(F)1998sDubl hangar,painted nc,r14.08.98,s29.09.98 is Cop, frd to Coventry 2.12.02 Atlantic AL lsd for Belfast mail run, ret to EMA 13.12.02, frd to Dublin 19.12.02 ret lessor, frd Kemble 08.01.03 to be parted out, canc 07.02.03 as brup Kemble, s15.03.03 on wooden blocks minus parts, s23.03.03 only cockpit remained
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-HCB Air ContractorsEIDWWarthog1
N6817 American AirlinesKMIAAyronautica
N6817 American AirlinesKMIAAyronautica
N6817 American AirlinesKCLEWarthog1