Boeing 727 [19497 / 429]

Registration: D2-FAT
Operator: Air Nacoia
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N7288Braniff Airways727-27C1967red/yellow
N7288TNT SAVA727-27C1989
PT-SAVTNT SAVA727-27C1989sSao Paulo 16.10.92 no tit as PT/ in JP still/ag PT-TYH
XA-SGYQuassar de Mexico727-27C1993sMexC fc 11.03.93, 26.05.93/s27.03.94 no tit,s15.04.94
XA-SPKAzteca Cargo727-27C1994s made ready 4.5,s25.5 new reg,being painted
XA-SPKCarga del Caribe727-27C1994own Corsair,sOpa-Locka 8.02.95,10.04.95,reg removed 1.05.95
D2-FATAir Nacoia727-27C1995sOpa-L 12.5,depa by 15.5/sJNB 19.06.96 fc/s29.05.97 no treg, 19497 painted large,s2.08.97 JNB, Corsair to Global groupe 10.01.98 (ZS),s30.04.98 JNB 'Cargo' tit, repo also with reg N14987,s12.98 grey pkd JNB as D2-,s10.99 fuselage outside Denel plant, grey/white tail, Cargo titl, blue cheatl, no engs, s06.06.03 nr Denel Ramp JNB, s06.05 derelict, s01.07 "Cargo" titl
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