Boeing 727 [19561 / 574]

Registration: OB-1698
Operator: Aero Peru
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N12304TWA - Trans World Airlines727-2311968own PegasCa,xFSBU,CLa,wfu 3.04.94 TT 64727,44683 L,Marana 22.04.94 ret Peg,lsd to TWA,frd Kansas City 27.05.94,is 1.6,wfu 26.12.
YV-909C LASER Airlines727-2311995sPhoe,sis 3.03.95 MIA/ret Peg 1.96,sHamilton Tucson 30.01.96 still Laser
N12304Air Jamaica727-2311996rPeg 3.96,s4.05.96 no paint,s5.96 C-checked Nations AE lsd NTU/sPhoe fc early 6.96,s29.6 is Dallas,opb Nations AE crews,fc/ret PC10.96,sTucson 13.11.96 AJ col, Nations tit
N12304Pan Am727-2311996fc 10.12.96 sMIA
N12304Nations Air Express727-2311997 white, tit,sTucs 16.03.98, str s3.05.98 Tuc,PCC canc 23.07.98
OB-1698Aero Peru727-2311998 wfu s15.02.99 Tucson xAeP col, pres ret ex lse, s26.11.99 full AeroPeru col, OB-rgd, own PCC, sTucson 8.04.01 being brup
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N12304 TWA - Trans World AirlinesKMKEWarthog1