Boeing 727 [19562 / 576]

Registration: 9Q-CWD
Operator: Wimbi Dira Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N12305TWA - Trans World Airlines727-2311968wfu own PLM TEC,xFSBU,CLa/wfu 23.08.92 TT60862,41600 L, s Kanas City 2.09.92 for ret to lessor
N12305Ultrair727-2311992ceas 25.07.93 short term lse (to AL of the America's,Ultrair (partner) merge?)s1.02.93 LAX Ultrair col,s 28.10.94 Smyr
N12305Paradise Airways727-2311995sMIA,Kansas/sas 7.95?!
N12305Prestige Airways727-2311995never XA-SYI (is 20264, known)
N12305Express One727-2311997FSB to PhTwo 22.08.97,PrL 22.08.97 r10.97
N12305European Air Transport727-231(F)1998sGen, is fc DHL (when cvtd to F?)
N12305Express One727-231(F)2000sLAX 30.09.00 basic DHL col, retd?, Prewitt Leasing canc 25.04.02 to XA-
XA-TVEExpress One727-231(F)2002unknown operator, canc 29.10.02
N12305Prewitt Leasing727-231(F)2002r14.11.02 (based Bedford TX)
N12305Professional Maintenance Services727-231(F)2003frd Scranton-Gander-Santa Maria 18.06.03, canc 14.07.03
9Q-CWDWimbi Dira Airways727-231(F)2003sKinshasa FIH 11.09.03 (first repo of reg), s21.02.04, sis Goma 10.03.06, last sighting 05.06, presum pwfu by 2010
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N12305 TWA - Trans World AirlinesKMIAAyronautica
N12305 TWA - Trans World AirlinesKJFKWarthog1