Boeing 727 [19595 / 467]

Registration: FAC1246
Operator: Colombian Air Force
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Military
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N1637Northeast Airlines727-951967
N1637Delta Air Lines727-951972to Charlotte AC 30.03.73
PP-VLQVARIG727-951973wfu 17.08.92 (last 727 pax serv) Sao Paulo
HK-3771XAVESCA Colombia727-95(F)1993cvtd 12.92, sBOG 07.05.94 as "Vesca", presum.the A covered or not recognized as logo, never an airline as such
HK-3771XAerocor Colombia727-95(F)1994sBog,sis 27.10.94 as HK-3771X,offic 25.11.94/Colomb Gvmt szd 4.95
FAC1146 SATENA727-95(F)1995rr 12.95, sBog fc1.96,s3.99 old col
FAC1246Colombian Air Force727-95(F)2000sBog, id s2.02.01 still as FAC1146 only blue cheatline of SATENA remained, rr 09.01 when received Fuerza Aerea Colombiana titles, sBOG 23.10.01presum wfu by then, s wfu 15.03.04 BOG, pkd at Aerosucre hangar since 25.12.04, Aerosucre used many parts of airframe like engines, doors, radomes, moved 28.03.05 to Aeroelectronica's apron to be brup, s15.11.05 cut in pieces, but s "str" 11.02.10
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