Boeing 727 [19833 / 486]

Registration: TN-AFY
Operator: Trans Air Benin
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N1957American Airlines727-351967wfu 20.11.93 Reno-Stead,TT65326,46186,wfu 5.11.93 Tulsa, National NTU,ownCAT90/SPEL r9.93, sReno 29.03.94 ex AA basic col
D2-FLY Ibis Air727-351994agent by sale was CAA/own Capricorn Sys 3.94,N-reg canc 7.94/Ibis repo to be a subsidiary of Executive Outcomes, South Africa, used to support mercenaries, Sonangol own 29.08.94, sLanseria 3.09.94 no tit, sJNB 5.96 xAA col, ret Sonangol 7.96, Air Malawi lsd 8.96, sJNB 9.08.96 tit, Son ret 30.09.96
D2-FLY Air Gabon727-351998due ret Sonangol 8.98, s19.06.98 JNB parts missing, pkd JNB s08.12.98 white
TN-AFYTrans Air Congo727-351999bt ex Sonangol, s pkd Lanseria 18.10.99,s1.00
TN-AFYTrans Air Benin727-352000sCotonou is, s str Johannesburg 8.12.01 no tit, s30.04.03 blue/white, missing 1 engine, to be brup, s02.04 , s11.04 being brup, parts of fuselage cut out, s18.11.04 only tail left
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N1957 American AirlinesKDCAWarthog1