Boeing 727 [19839 / 542]

Registration: TN-AFZ
Operator: Trans Air Congo
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N1965American Airlines727-1231968wfu 22.11.93 Durham,to Tulsa,Stead 16.12.93 TT 65801,46976 L ret less own CAT 25.06.90,SPEL r9.93
D2-FLZ Ibis Air727-123(F)1994agent by sale was CAA,Capricorn Sys 4.04.94/N-reg canc 7.94, Ibis repo to be a subsidiary of Executive Outcomes, South Africa, used to support mercenaries, s08.94 Lanseria, Sonangol own r29.08.94
D2-FLZ Trans Air Cargo727-123(F)1994sis 31.05.96 JNB, s4.97 Trans Air C tit, s14.08.97 Libreville, Air Gabon tit,white/sJoh 30.04.98, lse pres. Ended (mixed with TR-LEV, 22083), s12.98 white pkd
TN-AFZTrans Air Congo727-123(F)1999bt ex Sonangol,sLans 18.04.99 no tit,no reg, s JNB 27.04.02 (presum. titles/i.s.), sJNB 30.06.02 full col, s16.11.04 undergoing maintenance, dark blue/white col, has pax windows and reports as -123 (not F-cvtd), sJNB 25.01.12 presum wfu (presum missighting at Pointe Noire 2010)
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N1965 American AirlinesKATLWarthog1