Boeing 727 [19973 / 665]

Registration: C5-SMM
Operator: Sudan Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N254US Northwest Airlines727-2511968own CLAC
N386PA Pan Am727-2511988ret CIS 9.07.91,sMarana 2.92,sMIA 10.92,reg canc 12/02
YV-466CZuliana Air727-2511992ret owner 1.12.93 (not brup, see 19993)
HK-3871XIslena Avacion727-2511994sBogota 20.01. sold Islena Panama, lsd to Isl HK-,sis 18.4 f
HK-3871XAerocar727-2511995sBog,tit is/pkd 5.04.95 no tit
C5-SMMMahfooz Aviation727-2511997arr Opa-L 6.12.96, s3.97, frd Opa-L--Istanbul--Nigeria 20.07.97
C5-SMMNigeria Airways727-2511998sLagos, s5.98 Dub Nigeria fus col, white tail, ret Mah
C5-SMMSudan Airways727-2511998sDubai ex Nig. col no tit, s Addis Ababa 30.11.99 id, faded col, sMalta 8.07.02 white, still opf Sudan AW (diversion from Tripoli), sJeddah 25.01.03, opf Mahfooz? white no titl, equipment/engines removed 2004 pwfu, sAddis Ababa 23.12.05 white, engines missing, s26.11.06
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N254US Northwest AirlinesKSTLWarthog1