Boeing 727 [19977 / 690]

Registration: OY-SES
Operator: TNT-Sterling European
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N258US Northwest Airlines727-2511969wfu own FSBU, x Peg/ret Peg 15.04.94
N258US Kiwi International Air Lines727-2511994FSB ret 10.96
N258US Pan Am727-2511997Sky Trek lsd due 1.97 ntu, Nations 1.97 ntu, sAtl 5.01.97 full PA col, repo opf PA from 11.96)
N258US Nations Air Express727-2511997sMIA part.col,opf Sunjet is/pkd Tucson 19.10.97 fc
OY-SESTNT-Sterling European727-251(F)1998FSB,sTuc 16.03.98 white no tit,cvtd then?, s31.03.98 Edinb white,arr Send 24.04.98, ro 27.04.98 fc TNT,Lyon, ret PCC 23.03.02, s Southend str 6.08.02 TNT col, tail section cut off Southend 5.12.02, s05.03, been brup, s26.06.03 only nose and tail remains
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OY-SES TNT-Sterling EuropeanEGSSgrahamepage
OY-SES TNT-Sterling EuropeanEGSSAyronautica
N258US Northwest AirlinesKSFOWarthog1