Boeing 727 [19985 / 745]

Registration: N266US
Operator: Falcon Air Express
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N266US Northwest Airlines727-2511969own CLAC,Peg,ret Peg 12.07.93,s Tucson old col,own SBC 3.01.94 r1.94,PAHC r2.94,s5.05.94 Newark New York Yankees stickers,pinestripe
N266US Sportsflight Airways727-2511994own SBC,ret 29.05.95 to Peg
N266US Kiwi International Air Lines727-2511995sTucs fc
N266US Falcon Air Express727-2511995sMIA/s9.96 Halisa Air add. tit, MIA, Falcon s7.05.98 MIA full nc,s30.11.98 Aeromar tit, sTucs 30.01.99 id, str 18.03.99 Tuc Aeromar col, sTuc 30.10.99 'Discovery' tit (str?)
N266US Discovery Airways727-2511999own Pega, ho Tucson, s late 12.99 opf Sun Country (Discovery is new name of Sky Trek, but AL still repo to op. under that name)
N266US Falcon Air Express727-2512000PegA to FSB 29.12.00, lsd to Falcon (still? new?), WFBN to PacAC19985 26.07.01, opb Falcon Air Expr., s str Tucson 5.10.02, PacAC 19985 to ART 19985 LLC 15.11.02, Falcon ret to PegA 10.05.06, still str TUS s20.03.07
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N266US Northwest AirlinesKMIAAyronautica
N266US Northwest AirlinesKIADWarthog1