Boeing 727 [20051 / 708]

Registration: N74318
Operator: Express One
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N74318 TWA - Trans World Airlines727-2311969wfu 26.08.92, sKansas City 2.09.92 TT58567,40067 L/for ret less. own CPC,xASC,CIS
N74318 Ultrair727-2311992wfu 25.07.93 ceas short term/first ann as AL of the Am (subsid)/FSBU r8.94/sSmyrna 28.10.94 xUlt col
N74318 Liberty Airlines - Paradise727-2311995sis FtLaud,tit,big Lib tit,small opb Paradise,basic Ultrair col
N74318 Prestige Airways727-2311995Sun Air titles s5.01.96 FLL, sGulfport 2.96/ret FSB 12.96/FSB,8.08.97 PhII,8.08.97 Prewitt L
N74318 Express One727-231(F)1997own PrL, r10.97, conv to *F 12.97, sBru 3.01.98 full DHL col, wfu 31.10.00, ret USA 2.11.00, sis 19.12.00 Kansas City, PrL to Aircorp Inc 01.08.02, no sightings or not repo in svc somewhere since, canc 03.08.09 pwfu (where?)
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N74318 TWA - Trans World AirlinesKORDWarthog1