Boeing 727 [20183 / 705]

Registration: ZS-OPT
Operator: Safair
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N6830 American Airlines727-2231969Wil 9.90,Tulsa 27.01.95 TT 70990,49768 L
N6830 American International Airways727-223(F)1994to MIA 6.02.95,s 10.04.95 xAA col pkd , conv F 4.95
EI-HCIHunting Cargo Airlines727-223(F)1995ro15.5,r23.5
EI-HCIAir Contractors727-223(F)1998s24.11.98 Bru no tit, id 3.99,s5.05.99 with tit, lsd to Axis when? retd when? arr Shannon 15.11.03 maintenance
ZS-OPTSafair727-223(F)2004r14.05.04, s str JNB 09.02.06 no engines, s07.07.06 being brup, s11.01.07 white, derelict but not broken up, brup 27.02.07, canc 08.11.07
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-HCI Air ContractorsEIDWWarthog1
EI-HCI Air ContractorsEIDWAyronautica