Boeing 727 [20185 / 710]

Registration: RP-C5355
Operator: Pacific East Asia Cargo
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N6832 American Airlines727-2231969wfu Wil 9.90,wfu 10.10.94 Tulsa,TT 70067,48943 L,ret Greyhound 5.11.94,DFW 5.11.94,TT70068,48944 L
N6832 American International Airways727-223(F)1994rAIA 1.95,canc 11.95 , conv F 11.95, TTC HL 3.11.95
EI-HCDHunting Cargo Airlines727-223(F)1995TTHL own,r8.11,s29.12.95 Hunt col Dublin
EI-HCDAir Contractors727-223(F)1998s10.11.98 Bru fc, frd EMA-DUB 14.01.03, IST 21.01.03 on ferry to Indonesia, canc 24.01.03
PK-YGITri-MG Airlines727-223(F)2003for ops on UPS contract, sHKG 22.03.03, s Shanghai 04.04.04 Pacific East Air Cargo titles, sis TPE 27.02.07 Tri-MG fc
HS-YSGThai Global Airlines727-223(F)2007sHKG titles, r01.11.07, sBKK 11.07, canc 09.01.08 to RP-C
RP-C5355Pacific East Asia Cargo727-223(F)2008sKUL 27.03.08 basic Tri-MG col, sCebu 25.11.09 faded Tri-MG titles 'pkd' (optnl?), sClark 03.12 optnl?
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-HCD Air ContractorsEIDWAyronautica
N6832 American AirlinesKMIAAyronautica