Boeing 727 [20186 / 721]

Registration: N6833
Operator: Kitty Hawk Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N6833 American Airlines727-2231969wfu, last svc 4.4,Tulsa 15.04.94 TT 68918,47869 L/AcL r5.94 Roadway Global NTU?
N6833 Kitty Hawk Airlines727-223(F)1994sMIA 10.5 no tit basic AA col,s28.07.94 MIA fc?
N6833 Pan Air727-223(F)1996ret KH 12.12.96
N6833 Ansett Air Freight727-223(F)1997due ret 7.98 but wfu 29.09.97,ret KH (replaced by 19971)
N6833 Kitty Hawk Airlines727-223(F)1997
N6833 Ansett Air Freight727-223(F)1998arr Auckl then
N6833 Kitty Hawk Airlines727-223(F)1999AcL to Kitty Hawk Collateral Liquidating Trust 25.10.01, rgd 25.07.02, frd DEN-ROW 30.07.05, str, s15.11.07 Burl. Col, s11.04.10 wfu Kitty col (presum same livery), AAR Services 19.07.11, Stewart Industries Int LLC 22.07.11 pwfu, canc 22.09.11 wfu ROW
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N6833 American AirlinesKMIAAyronautica
N6833 American AirlinesKDFWWarthog1