Boeing 727 [20289 / 746]

Registration: N267US
Operator: Discovery Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N267USNorthwest Airlines727-2511969own Peg 29.09.88,ret 3.09.93,sTucson 24.09.93 no tit,s5.03.94 made ready for Kiwi
N267USKiwi International Air Lines727-2511994sis Newark 17.05.94, ret FSBU 10.96
N267USSky Trek International Airlines727-2511997Avensa due ar1.97/Kiwi fc sTucson 2.01.97/Sky Trek fc s5.97 Tucson
N267USDiscovery Airways727-2511999airline repo nn Discovery, but seen Sky Trek fc 27.11.99, opf Sun Country 4.12.99, sNewark 1.04.00 basic Sky Trek col, Discovery tit, s19.05.00 str Tucson, s08.04.01, still str s16.12.01, s19.07.02, own PCC, still str s24.01.03, WFBN to FAGC 30.09.03, reg canc 30.09.03 to Swaziland but still sTucson 08.04.04 N-rgd, Dic. col, presum pwfu, s15.09.05 no engines Disc col, s24.01.07
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N267US Northwest AirlinesKMIAAyronautica
N267US Northwest AirlinesKDCAWarthog1