Boeing 727 [20293 / 757]

Registration: N389PA
Operator: Capitol Air Express
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N271USNorthwest Airlines727-2511969
N389PAPan Am727-2511988own FSBU, rr 06.89, wfu 4.12.91
N389PACorporate727-2511992sOrlando (Democrat presidential candidate, lost primaries against Clinton and died in mid 90s)
N389PACapitol Air Express727-2511992own CIS,C&S AcqC r6.92,s11.07.92 white, crown on tail NYC JFK,s1.93 fc/to be parted out repo 10.93,s Atlanta 30.01.94 (is?),Cap ret to C&S 3.94, sSmyrna fc 30.05.94 str, s29.01.99 still,Cap col, C&S to Red Apple Leasing Corp 13.11.01, wfu Smyrna, s09.04.03, s15.11.03 scrapping area, s01.11.05 derelict, s03.17
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