Boeing 727 [20303 / 793]

Registration: FAC1247
Operator: Colombian Air Force
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Military
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N751VJAllegheny Airlines727-2B71970
N405BNBraniff Airways727-2B71971light/darkblue old col s07.74, s06.81 ultra dark green cs, ret GATX 13.03.82, Armco Industrial 09.82
N208USNorthwest Airlines727-2B71983FSBU 11.12.87
N384PAPan Am727-2B71988s7.88 still N208US, WFU s22.08.91 Tucson white SPEL r10.91 to GlAS 12.11.91
YV-462CZuliana Air727-2B71991wfu sis 3.10.93,ret own 1.12.93
HK-3872XIslena Avacion727-2B71994sBog 20.3 (sold to Americana Colombia/Islena Panama,lsd Isl HK-), szd Colombian gvmt 12.94
FAC1147SATENA727-2B71996s3.99 Bog nc, s7.01
FAC1247Colombian Air Force727-2B72001sBogota 15.03.04 wfu, s04.03.08, s24.04.09 at the military ramp next to museum, s07.13 dirty, s06.14
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
YV-462C Zuliana AirKMIAAyronautica
YV-462C Zuliana AirKMIAAyronautica
YV-462C Zuliana AirKMIAAyronautica
N405BN Braniff AirwaysKCLEWarthog1