Boeing 727 [20381 / 823]

Registration: C-FIFA
Operator: First Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N8838EEastern Air Lines727-2251970
EI-BVOClub Air727-2251988Virgin tail
N8838EEastern Air Lines727-2251988
N8838EPan Am727-225(F)1989 wfu 4.12.91,rgd AereonAR 1.92,IAS 8.92/cargodoor Miami 9.92
C-FIFAFirst Air727-225(F)1993sMIA 16.5,21.5 as FIFA/ sBru 19.03.98 TNT/Pan-Air, based Liege late 3.98 for TNT, due ret 3.99, Bradley r24.06.98, Channel expr wetlsd 1.11.98-31.03.99 (sCDG 15.11.98), last TNT svc 8.00, Air Contr/DHL 4.09.00 opf, sEMA 7.08.01 still opf Air Contractors in full First col, sOttawa YOW 29.03.03 engines removed, some surface parts missing, canc 18.11.04 to USA, s wfu Ottawa 01.06.06 basic col, used by fire department as trainer, s pkd on public land behind Nav Canada hangar 09.2010 but possibly mov
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