Boeing 727 [20383 / 831]

Registration: N724CK
Operator: Kalitta Equipment
HEX Code:
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Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N8840EEastern Air Lines727-2251970
N8840EPan Am727-2251989wfu 4.12.91,AARH 8.92,rWTC 2.95,sMojave 12.03.95
N8840EMexicargo727-225(F)1995bt from Aereon, sHamilton Tucson 19.07.95 being Fconv/WTC,to HAC 8.05.95/HAC r12.95/Joda P 28.12.95/r3.96,sTucson 25.12.95-2.05.96,full Mexic col strs, Mexicargo (again?) 04.06.97, str Tucson 19.10.97 full mex col, JODA P to JODA LLC 18.08.99, s26.11.99 worked on, s18.09.00 Van Nuys full Mex col, sTucson 21.10.00 white, s6.01.01 id, JODA canc 4.06.01 to XA-
XA-AFCAEISA727-225(F)2001sTucson 21.06.01 white no tit, XA-rgd, arr MEX 25.06.01 white, s pkd Tucson 9.07.01, ntu?, del, str Mexico City s28.01.02, first repo for Aerolineas Internacionales by error, s10.03.02 pkd nr Mexicana hangar, s5.07.02 white, AEISA up the tail, appeared optnl, sis Havana 24.01.03, AL ceased 03.03.03, s pkd MEX 29.09.03 AEISA titles
XA-JDULAMCASA Carga727-225(F)2004not XB-UJD, ret at Mexicana maintenance facilities at MEX late 03.04 for overhaul, due in svc late 05.04
XA-RLVLAMCASA Carga727-225(F)2004sMEX
N8840EJODA LLC727-225(F)2005frd Laredo-Oscoda 29.04.05, Kalitta Equipment LLC 20.05.05
N724CKKalitta Equipment727-225(F)2005rr 23.06.05, sis SJC 25.06.06 fc, Kalitta Equipment LLC to Kalitta Charters II LLC 21.12.09, sis MCO 12.13
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N8840E Eastern Air LinesKCLEWarthog1