Boeing 727 [20431 / 851]

Registration: TC-ALM
Operator: Air Alfa
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N878UMPan Am727-2301987wfu 4.12.91/reg canc 5.92
TC-ALBAlbatros Airlines (Turkey)727-2301992wfu 12.92 Istanbul (AL intends to restart JP93) ATASCO 10.06.93
TC-JUHSultan Air727-2301993ro 21.06.93 incompl Sultan col,sFRA 10.07.93 white,ret ATASCO sis 15.10.93
TC-IHOBosphorus Airways727-2301993wfu Ist s10.12.93, s white AMS
TC-ALMAir Alfa727-2301994EMA 17.07.97,s20.11.97 AA col, not depa, blown onto rear 4.01.98,still nose in the air, repo dism. 10.02.98 by Gamit but off. fs after D-check 4.98, eng removed 4.06.98 to be brup,brup began late 7.98, compl by mid 8.98 due, but towed to north side EMA 13.08.98. No later reports, presum brup
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TC-ALM Air AlfaEGNXAV8 Photos
TC-ALM Air AlfaEGNXAyronautica
D-ABDI LufthansaEGLLWarthog1