Boeing 727 [20470 / 853]

Registration: C5-DSZ
Operator: Libyan Arab Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-BPJQAir France727-2281971
F-BPJQAir Gabon727-2281992wfu ret 31.10.92,Orly,s12.92,dep 12.01.93,ret fr TLS 26.01.93 to Partnairs Trade 15.02.93/ sLuanda 25.09.92 is /5H Tanzania 12.07.93 ntu
J2-KBGMahfooz Aviation727-2281993Bin Mahfooz A NAO 1.12.93
C5-DSZMahfooz Aviation727-2281995sAddis 3.12.95
C5-DSZOkada Airlines727-2281999sDubai 17.10.99 white no tit, s30.11.99 Addis Ababa
C5-DSZSavannah Airlines727-2282000sZRH, sMalta 12.06.00 Savannah col, opf Libyan
C5-DSZLibyan Arab Airlines727-2282000sMalta blue/red col, own Mahfooz, sDubai 20.06.01 white no tit (Mahfooz ret?), s30.04.05 Sharm el Sheikh being scrapped, tail separated and upper fuselage gone, s03.06 a few sections and wing were present, s24.02.09 with only wheelstrut and assy left.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
F-BPJQ Air FranceEGLLAyronautica
F-BPJQ Air FranceEGLLcolinw
F-BPJQ Air FranceEGLLWarthog1