Boeing 727 [20475 / 854]

Registration: S9-PAC
Operator: Transafrik International
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
ZS-SBHSouth African Airways727-44C1971
N26879United Air Leasing727-44C1982
N26879Purolator Courier Corporation727-44C1982IASCO ret 9.82
N26879Fedex - Federal Express727-44C1982IASCO ret 30.12.82
N26879Ryan International Airlines727-44C1985IASCO ret 5.88
C-GVFABradley Air Service727-44C1988
C-GVFAFirst Air727-44C1988sCPH 11.12.97 Greenlandair pax-flight, Bradley r24.06.98, sis YOW 15.01.05, canc 28.03.06, was in Peru for overhaul
S9-PACTransafrik International727-44C2006
S9-PACSouthern Sudan Airways727-44C2006sLuanda
S9-PACTransafrik International727-44C2008sLuanda, white, no titles, blue rhino tail, a photo exists of pax cabin in svc 03.05.08, repo str South Africa (where?) by 2010, one report as being wfu as C-GVFA First Air Trois Riviers s08.09.10, seems unlikely it returned to Canada??, s wfu Upington South Africa 22.07.15
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