Boeing 727 [20545 / 877]

Registration: N723CK
Operator: Kalitta Charters II
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
TS-JHNTunisair727-2H31979N190CB Air One NTU ar. 86?/to GAT,UAM 19.09.95,Nortek RC 29.09.95/sis 2.97 Nouvelair Tunesie as TS-, sis 3.97 Tunis Air, reti 1.01.99
N723SKKalitta Equipment727-2H3(F)1999sMIA 15.04.99 hangared, as TS, s6.05.99, s30.09.99 as N-white no tit, F-conv
N723SKCharter America727-2H3(F)1999sMIA fc
N723CKKalitta Charters II727-2H3(F)2000sWillow Run 20.05.00 white, s30.07.00 no engs, s21.09.02 Detroit YIP white str, sis white STL 17.09.02, own Kalitta Equipment, id s22.05.03 white no titl, opf?? in svc?, rr res 27.10.03, rrgd 01.03.04, sMIA 07.01.06 fc, sDAL 27.05.09, Kalitta Equipment LLC to Kalitta Charters II LLC 21.12.09, sYIP 16.06.10 (presum in svc), sOscoda 14.11.13 wfu fcs no engines, s11.15
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TS-JHN TunisairLFPOAyronautica
TS-JHN TunisairLGAVWarthog1
TS-JHN TunisairEGLLWarthog1