Boeing 727 [20549 / 989]

Registration: VH-TXH
Operator: TransAustralian Air Express
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
VH-RMV Ansett Australia727-2771973
N275WC Wien Air Alaska727-2771983own Transpac E 06.84, AL ceased 12.84
N275WC Republic Airlines727-2771985
N275WC Northwest Airlines727-2771986Wien ret 12.12.86
N275WC Braniff Airways727-2771987own GAI 2.88,xAereon , Aereon ret 08.89
N275WC Jet East International727-2771990
YU-AKR Aviogenex727-2771990
N275WC Express One727-2771990wfu sDallas 3.91 basic Braniff.
N275WC Braniff Airways727-2771992sis Newark 21.05.92, green/yellow col, wfu 07.92
N275WC Express One727-277(F)1992conv F 2.95, sGrayson TX 29.06.95,Central 10.96, AvE 10.12.96, still Expr One, sis 9.99 US Postal fc
VH-TXHTransasian Air Express727-277(F)2002Avtn Ent, arr Melbourne 12.04.02 still US Postal col, Prewitt Leasing 17.04.02, r29.04.02, Transasian Air Express r10.05.021
VH-TXHTransAustralian Air Express727-277(F)2002white, titles, VH-VLE rr 12.02, but s01.04 as VH-TXH?!, National Jet Express r26.11.03, s10.05 as VH-TXH, wfu 30.03.07 Melbourne tt 67259, 43504 l, s05.09.07 missing outboard engines, canc 10.09.07 sold for parts, broken up MEL 05.02.08
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N275WC Express OneEGLLWarthog1