Boeing 727 [20571 / 884]

Registration: N905PG
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
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Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
JA8341 ANA - All Nippon Airways727-2811972
HL7367 Korean Air727-2811984
N530MD McDonnell Douglas Corp727-2811993r12.93,PAHC r3.94
N905PG PAHC727-2811994canc 5.95
EI-SKY TNT-SkyPak International Airways727-281(F)1995PAHC to PAC 902/905 5.05.95, rTNT,Skypak col / canc 29.01.98
OY-SEVTNT-Sterling European727-281(F)1998s9.98 Cop full Skypak col, C-check Dublin late 4.01, arr DUB 19.04.01 maint, due ret USA mid 5.01, frd DUB-Kefl 20.07.01, sTucson 28.07.01 basic col
N905PG Lessor727-281(F)2001sTucson 19.09.01 still painted OY-SEV, PAC 902/905 to ART 20571 LLC 09.01.03, s24.01.03 painted TNT col/SKypak col still as OY-SEV, s24.01.07
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-SKY TNT-SkyPak International AirwaysEGPHAyronautica