Boeing 727 [20622 / 933]

Registration: N353PA
Operator: Express One
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N8860E Eastern Air Lines727-2251973
N353PA Pan Am727-2251989wfu 4.12.91 own UAS/CIT 8.91
N353PA Aero Costa Rica727-2251992first serv.,ret 30.09.93
N353PA Ultrair727-2251993sJFK 20.11
N353PA Kiwi International Air Lines727-2251994own CIT,sfc 24.01.95 Atl,is Newark 4.97, sOklahoma City 29.06.98 fc, CIT to Aircraft 23456 30.06.98, sis 31.08.98 fc Newark, Aircraft 20622, lsd Kiwi 18.08.98, Ac20622 r14.09.98, sMIA 15.04.99 str full Kiwi col, s6.05.99, to Aircorp V 17.09.99
N353PA Express One727-225(F)1999s31.12.99 MIA white, cvtd, sATL 22.07.00 white, s str Roswell 02.02.03 white/titles, own AirCorp V, FCC 19.05.04, OK Consultants Inc 19.05.04, Mizar 20622 LLC 19.05.04 still str ROW, r16.03.05, s02.10.05 Expr One titl, s09.01.07 wfu, s26.11.15 white
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