Boeing 727 [20627 / 947]

Registration: 5N-BJX
Operator: Allied Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N8865E Eastern Air Lines727-2251973
N357PA Pan Am727-2251989wfu 4.12.91,s Las Vegas 1.92 own UAS/CIT 8.91
N357PA Airline of The Americas727-2251992Ultrair subsidairy (JP93)
N357PA Express One727-2251994wfu own CIT/addit Front Page Tour tit 16.11.94 Phoe,s24.06.95 MIA wfu
N361KP Kiwi International Air Lines727-2251995sMIA 2.8,hqs,rr s16.08.95, pkd Atlanta ar 10.96, sis 8.06.98 newark fc,CIT to Ac20627 23.12.98,opb Kiwi,s15.04.99 MIA fc str, to Aircorp V 10.09.99, sTucson 16.10.99 white
N361KP Express One727-225(F)1999sMojave 22.01.00 pkd as F, sSan Ant 19.02.00 white, sColumbus 28.11.00, s str Roswell 02.02.03 white, Express One titl, s04.02.04, own AirCorp V, FCC 19.05.04, OK Consultants Inc 19.05.04, Mizar 20627 LLC 19.05.04 still str ROW, s05.07.05, s26.10.05 now derelict, frd Rosswell-San Bernardino 09.03.07, for sale on s01.08 tt 67182, for $2.450.000, CSDS Aircraft Sales & Leasing 13.03.08, Maris Aircraft 13.03.08, r30.04.08, reg canc 26.09.08 as exported to Nigeria, to Associated Av
5N-BJXAllied Air727-225(F)2008sSan Bernardino 08.02.08 white/maroon rear, no titles, s07.03.08, delivered SBD--BJL 07-08.03.09 , sLagos 30.03.09, s05.10 looks optnl, s19.06.12 str, s07.12 Amman, complete/fcs, sLagos 08.13 wfu
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All Users Sightings

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N8865E Eastern Air LinesKDCAWarthog1