Boeing 727 [20662 / 1072]

Registration: HP-1585PVI
Operator: Panavia Panama
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N66733 Continental Airlines727-2241974ret Grey 22.09.94/ own Peg
N66733 Express One727-2241994sisMIA,wfu s29.06.95 Grayson TX
N707CA Champion Air727-2241995sFCC,sLAX 9.11 Expr col,Champion tit/rr s20.02.96 LAX, s16.03.98 LAX white no tit,is, ret less 21.07.98, Express One Int lsd 09.98, presum ntu, N-reg canc 26.03.99
EC-HBRSwiftair727-224(F)1999flew Palma-Dub white,EAT callsign, slsd fr Expr One/s4.01.00 white, Swiftair tit, opf DHL, id BRU 12.08.00, s18.09.00 DHL tit/tail, s6.05.01 id, add Swiftair tit, ret FCC 23.05.02, s str Goodyear 4.07.02 white, small titles. s10.02.03 white no titl, s25.12.03
N334FVFinova Capital Corporation727-224(F)2004still str GYR 14.10.04 white EC-rgd, FCC to Humberto Duenas 15.10.04, Panavia 15.10.04, depa GYR-ADZ 19.12.04 to San Andres Isla, Colombia (not N332FV), N-reg canc 29.12.04
HP-1585PVIPanavia Panama727-224(F)2004sPanama City 22.02.06 good cond, "Juanda" s10.03.06 Bogota, maintenance, Panavia ceased ops 2006, sPTY 24.08.09 stored in fc, s12.12 wfu, s04.16 fcs
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N66733 Continental AirlinesKLAXWarthog1