Boeing 727 [20665 / 1149]

Registration: N745DH
Operator: DHL Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N69736Continental Airlines727-2241975own Mitsui, ret FSB 31.07.98, s pkd Tucson 26.08.98 basic COA, at Hamilton's
YV-880CLASER Airlines727-2241998sTuc, nw reg on nosewheel 27.09.98, PeA 6.10.98,sMIA 1.12.98 white,tit+logo, AAHC 1.04.99 still lsd LASER, ret 7.99 s Tucson 1.08.99 pkd at Hamilton's, s5.09.99 painted as N66736PG !
N69736Aviation Assets Holdings Company727-224(F)1999sTucson 12.09.99 LASER col, s26.11.99 white, painted as N69736PG, s9.01.00 now correct N93738 painted, depa by 30.01.00, sMIA 5.04.00 after F-conv, faded LASER col, no engs
N745DHDHL Airways727-224(F)2001sTucson Kitty Hawk Aircargo tit 6.01.01, to be lsd, presum ntu, depa by 3.02.01, sTucson 10.02.01 DHL AW col, rrgd, lsd, sMSP 24.06.01, due ret 11.06, AAHC to AeFin 10.09.01 opb DHL, AAHC 30.04.04, opb ASTAR, ASTAR 26.09.06, sCVG 02.04.09 stored, s Kingman 22.09.09 fc, ASTAR USA LLC to ASTAR Cargo Holdings LLC 30.11.10, s25.01.11 still str full nc, DHL Network Operations 13.06.11, WFBN 13.06.11, sIGM 21.11.12, s04.09.13 minus engines and parts, seems next in line for scrapping
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N745DH DHL AirwaysKIGMcolinw