Boeing 727 [20728 / 969]

Registration: N906PG
Operator: Air Santo Domingo
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
JA8349 ANA - All Nippon Airways727-2811973
HL7353 Korean Air727-2811989
N531MD McDonnell Douglas Corp727-2811993sTucson 9.03.94 no tit, PAHC 3.03.94
N906PG PAHC727-2811994canc 10.94
OB-1573AeroPeru727-2811994sTucson fc,lsd 24.10.94,sTucson 10.12.98 fc str,s30.01.99
N906PG TransMeridian Airlines727-2811999PAHC, tfd PegA 10.03.99, r11.03.99,s15.04.99 Transm col, s9.11.99 MIA white no tit, s13.12.99 is, s3.03.00 Kansas City, Transmeridian, sATL 18.11.00 white, ART 20728 LLC 16.01.03, still opb Transmer., sis Santo Domingo 19.03.03 opf Air Santo Domingo
N906PG Air Santo Domingo727-2812003sis 19.03.03 SDQ, s26.03.04 OKL, still Air Santo Domingo titles, opf Transmeridian, s06.06.04 ATL basic col, opf US Marshalls Service, Transmeridian ceased 30.09.05, presum wfu by then, sMarana 20.02.06 Transmeridian basic col, Air Santo Domingo logos, dismantled 06.08 and shipped to Kobe, Japan 07.08, repo 06.15 (front part?) to be at KidZana theme park at Koshien, Nishinomiya, Japan
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