Boeing 727 [20739 / 952]

Registration: HK-3480X
Operator: Avianca
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
TS-JHO Tunisair727-2H31973
N189CB Air One (83-85)727-2H31984repo Les 2.85
PH-AHB Air Holland727-2H31985own PK 30.12.85
PH-AHB World Wide Airlines727-2H31985ret AH 21.03.86
PH-AHB Braniff Airways727-2H31986ret AH 9.04.87
G-BOKV Electra Aviation Ltd727-2H31988
OY-SCA Sterling Airways727-2H31988ret El 11.88
N726VA EAL Delaware Corp727-2H31988
HK-3480XSAM Colombia727-2H31993sMedell
HK-3480XAvianca727-2H31994sBog "Avianca Lite" (experimental nc) 1.95, s12.96 Banco Quia col, sBog 24.03.99 wfu no engs, s Salitre Magico, north Bogota, pres Parque Salitre Magico downtown Bogot
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TS-JHO TunisairLGAVWarthog1
TS-JHO TunisairEGLLcolinw