Boeing 727 [20766 / 993]

Registration: N211DB
Operator: China Lantian Trade Co
HEX Code:
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Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
OY-SAT Sterling Airways727-2J41973
N729BE Boeing727-2J41984
OY-SAT Sterling Airways727-2J41986wfu 22.09.93 (ceas)
N223FE Fedex - Federal Express727-2J41986
C-GRYP Royal Aviation727-2J41994lse/purch/r22.2
N211DBCorporate727-2J41998bt ex FCC (to FCC when?) r29.06.98,sWilmington DE 4.08.98 white,sKelowna 16.10.98 white, no engs, due Blue AL lsd,sPhoe 9.02.99 'opb Laker AW' tit
N211DBLaker Airways727-2J41999sPhoe, titl. Riverhorse Inv sold to Riverhorse Avtn Group 18.06.99, still opb LB=Laker
N211DBStar Air Tours727-2J41999own Riverh, ceased ops 5.11.99
N211DBSky Trek International Airlines727-2J42000(first repo lsd 18.01.00) own Riverh, due ret 1.03
N211DBSun Country Airlines727-2J42000sMinneapolis 12.10.01, Riverhorse Avtn Group. sMIA 8.12.01 being worked on, s27.12.01 str
N211DBDB Air727-2J42002Riverhorse Avtn, to DB Air 1.05.02, Seven Two Capital Partners LLC 14.05.02 (i.s.?),r7.08.02, sMiami 13.08.02 blue/gold col no tit
N211DBMiami Air727-2J42003sis Miami opf, no titles, sPHX 21.07.03 at Swift FBO ramp, sTokyo 23.07.03 with wrestlers, still with Miami Air?
N211DBSun World International Airlines727-2J42003sPHX. "operated by Sunworld" on nose gear doors, for sports charters, not longer opb Miami Air
N211DBFalcon Air Express727-2J42004in svc Gander-SNN-LIN 02.06.04, sMAN 21.07.04, sDUS 08.11.04, STCP LLC to Oneida Leasing 11.04.05, s22.04.05 SXM new Braniff style col
N211DBCorporate727-2J42005Oneida r06.05.05, sLong Beach 06.05.05 opb Falcon Air, black col, Sky One titles, Oneida EqL r18.07.05, sPHX 05.08.05, reposs by Riverhorse Inv 11.05.06 (ex Oneida), s str Victorville 15.06.06, s24.11.06 no engs, s24.10.07 in 'scrap corner', Riverhorse to Victorville Aerospace LLC 28.12.07, OK Consultants Inc 19.05.08, s05.01.09 in SkyOne cs, s15.10.09, canc 12.04.10, to B-
N211DBChina Lantian Trade Co727-2J42010scrapped at VCV, fuselage trucked to El Mirage 08.11, s05.02.15 Beijing inside shopping mall as children play thing, Air China cs
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OY-SAT Sterling AirwaysEKCHWarthog1