Boeing 727 [20772 / 982]

Registration: C-GIKF
Operator: Kelowna Flightcraft Air Charter
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N426BN Braniff Airways727-2271973green oc, dark blue nc, BRNF Liquidating 12.05.82
N551PE Southwest Airlines727-2271984ret PeoEx 15.02.85
N551PE Pan Am727-2271986
N551PE Continental Airlines727-2271990rBoNY 12.92,ret 11.04.96,canc 4.96
C-GIKFKelowna Flightcraft Air Charter727-2271996
C-GIKFGreyhound Air727-2271996ret Kel. Late 96?
C-GIKFRyan International Airlines727-2271997sTucs 26.10.97 no tit, Tampa 12.97 (pax)
C-GIKFKelowna Flightcraft Air Charter727-227(F)2000s7.00 Vancouver F-cvtd (when), Purolator titles, s19.03.02 Ottawa, sYYT 08.12 in svc, reg canc 07.04.14, seen as '721' Hamilton 30.06.14 no engines, broken up 12.14, s20.12.14 still standing on u/c but rear fus. and most of the wings gone, reg canc 30.06.14
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