Boeing 727 [20790 / 1021]

Registration: SX-CBH
Operator: MAT - Macedonian Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABTI Condor727-2301974
N1787B Boeing727-2301974
D-ABTI Condor727-2301974
D-ABTI Lufthansa727-2301988ret 3.89 (no cheatline, so resembling later LH-colours)
N852SY Wilmington Trust Company727-2301989
SX-CBH Olympic Airways727-2301990(Greek Gvmt lsd 7.92, ret 8.92?)
SX-CBH MAT - Macedonian Airlines727-2301998sis GVA basic nw Olym col, Mac sticker and tail, sis 08.99, fs JP2000, s old ATH airport 3.05.01 repo cannibalized but s15.08.01 str complete, sAthens ELN 1.02 being prepared for del to Aero Nusantara Indonesia, frd to Bucharest OTP 4.02.02 for C-check, no sightings since (by 07.04), nt JP04
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
SX-CBH Olympic AirwaysLGATAyronautica
SX-CBH Olympic AirwaysLGATAyronautica
SX-CBH Olympic AirwaysEKCHWarthog1
D-ABTI CondorEDDFcolinw
D-ABTI CondorEGPKAyronautica
D-ABTI CondorEGPKFlyDroo
D-ABTI CondorEDDFWarthog1