Boeing 727 [20819 / 1018]

Registration: TY-24A
Operator: Benin Government
HEX Code:
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Type: Government
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EC-CFI Iberia727-2561974s19.08.01 Madrid is, wfu by 3.10.01, s str 14.10.01 MAD, sBournemouth 19.10.02, 21.10.02 basic Iberia col no tit
TY-24ABenin Government727-2562006prepared at Bournemouth s23.12.02 inside hangar ex IB col for Sky Way AL, app ntu, s29.03.03 outside, partial IB col, white fuselage, some parts missing, s31.08.03, s09.12.03 still as EC-CFI derelict, s01.07.04 inside hangar, s21.10.04 being made ready for testflight, s15.02.05 still str BOH, s20.11.05 white, Iberia tail logo, good cond, s15.11.06 rrgd for Benin Gvmt and depa to MAD, s01.10.07 pkd, dirty white, s19.12.07 nc, s24.11.08, testflight as TY-24A no titl 21.03.09, Republique du Benin-t
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TY-24A Benin GovernmentEGHHgrahamepage
EC-CFI IberiaEGLLcolinw
EC-CFI IberiaEDDFWarthog1