Boeing 727 [20879 / 1033]

Registration: PR-MTL
Operator: TAF Lineas Aereas
HEX Code:
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Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N128NA Air Jamaica727-2J71974ret NAL 19.10.75
N128NA Mexicana727-2J71975wfu WEC r5.93/ sTucson 22.08.93 white/PAHC r8.94
N128NA AeroPeru727-2J71994sPeru fcis/wfu s28.02.95 white 28.02.95 PAHC
N128NA Sportsflight Airways727-2J71995s3.8 LasVeg no tit /PAHC ret 10.95 (Capital Cargo lsd 9.95, s3.96 fc, ntu??)
N128NA Capital Cargo International Airlines727-2J7(F)1996conv 2.96,own PAH/sMIA 9.03.96 fc/PACL 6.05.97,PALS 6.05.97 (still CapC), sTucson 20.05.01 basic Cap col, s30.08.01 own PegA, still str 16.12.01
N128NA Charter America727-2J7(F)2002sOpa-Locka fc
N128NA Custom Air Transport727-2J7(F)2002PALS to ART 20879 LLC 27.12.02, lsd to Custom due ret 12.05 by then, sOpa-Locka white, CAT titles, good cond (in svc?), sis MCO 15.07.05, ART to CAT 10.01.06 ex lse, U-Boat Parts Inc 18.06.07, PR-LGP Varig LOG due 09.07 app. ntu, see below
N128NA Amerijet International727-2J7(F)2008sMIA fc, repo PR-LPC Globex Cargo res 09.08, but sMIA 07.02.09 white with Amerijet titles, s10.03.09 seems still in svc, s str Opa-Locka 03.06.09 own U-Boat Parts, white, ex lse
PR-MTLTAF Lineas Aereas727-2J7(F)2009frd OPL--Fortaleza 24.07.09, PR-LPC Globex Air Cargo 07.09 ntu, N-reg canc 17.08.09, sMAO 10.11.09 white, TAF fuselage/tail titles, dam 17.12.09 Manaus, damage was discovered after landing in Parintins due to hitting trees at go around Manaus, TAF grounded/ceased ops 15.06.10, presum str somewhere by 2010, s01.05.12 GIG pkd good cond, s03.09.14 at cargo facility
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N128NA Capital Cargo International AirlinesKMIAGreggy
N128NA Capital Cargo International AirlinesKMIAGreggy
N128NA Capital Cargo International AirlinesKMIAGreggy