Boeing 727 [20896 / 1051]

Registration: HZ-SNA
Operator: DHL-SNAS
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
XA-DUK Mexicana727-2641974s12.92 white,is s17.11.93 gold cheatline,wfu 24.11.93 Mexico City,Miami 19.12.93,ret is s20.04.94
N622DH DHL727-264(F)1995rFSBU 8.95/sMIA 19.01.96
N622DH Continental Micronesia727-264(F)1996F-conv 1.96/sMan 31.03.96 COA col,TNT sticker, canc 13.04.00
EC-HLPSwiftair727-264(F)2000sMIA 14.04.00 DHL col, EC-rgd (not EC-HLR), sLuton 24.05.00, s13.02.01 Stuttgart full DHL col no Swiftair sticker, s Lasham 12.08.01
HZ-SNASNAS Aviation727-264(F)2005frd IST-Lasham nc 18.04.05, BRU 22.04.05, arr SNN 19.04.06 yellow col, repainted white but will remain in svc in neutral col, sBahrein 22.07.07 white
A9C-SNASNAS Aviation727-264(F)2009sDXB
HZ-SNADHL-SNAS727-264(F)2010frd BAH-IST, frd BAH-HER-Norrk
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EC-HLP SwiftairEGNXAyronautica
00-00-0000 HZ-SNA DHL-SNASOERKdixieboy