Boeing 727 [20903 / 1089]

Registration: N22134
Operator: Aztec Capital Corp
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N87790 Boeing727-2301975
D-ABKE Lufthansa727-2301975wfu ar.10.92,frd Berl-Hamburg 28.02.93 old LH col/to AGES ,Okada 5.93 repo,NTU
N87790 Lessor727-2301993arr Mojave 22.09.93 AGES 5.93/sMia 21.02.94 basic LH col,many parts missing
OB-1560Americana de Aviacion727-2301994sLima,fcis 31.10.94, str 9.96 Lima, perm ret 9.97 Lima, AlF to JCA 4.12.98, Aviation Power Supplies as N22132 4.10.99 ann, ntu? JCA to Alexco Fin 14.06.00 still OB-1560
N22134Aztec Capital Corp727-2302000sLima 4.11.02 white, s26.12.07 dirty, engines missing, s94,15 derelict
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-ABKE LufthansaEGLLcolinw
D-ABKE LufthansaEKCHWarthog1
N87790 BoeingEGUNWarthog1