Boeing 727 [20905 / 1091]

Registration: EW-494TT
Operator: AviaStar Cargo
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABKG Lufthansa727-2301975str Hamburg
N860SY JKN Ass727-2301990own ATASCO rgd 7.90,sMiami 11.92 old basic Lufth col,no tit
YV-855CJD Valenciana727-2301993sMIA fc 27.12.92,sis4.93,str 10.12.93 no tit Mia
N860SY Lessor727-2301994canc 4.94
TC-AFV Istanbul Airlines727-230(F)1994Ist Cargo ,hq s31.03.96
OO-DHYEuropean Air Transport727-230(F)1997del MIA--Bru, not ret to N626DH, is 22644, canc 11.03.04
HZ-SNCSNAS Aviation727-230(F)2005sDXB 19.02.05 new yellow DHL col, frd to SEN 03.03.05 rrgd, arr SNN 09.04.06, ro 16.04.06 repainted white but will remain in svc in neutral col, sis BAH 11.11.07 white, frd Bahrain-Tbilisi 18.01.14 after storage
4L-ABEAviaexport Airways727-230(F)2014sTBS 03.14 basic DHL cs no titl
3X-GFVIran Aseman Airlines727-230(F)2014sTHR basic DHL cs
ER-BCATransAviaService727-230(F)2016sTHR yellow/red DHL cs, Tr..titles
EW-494TTAviaStar Cargo727-230(F)2017frd THR-Gomel 11.07.17 as such
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-ABKG LufthansaEGLLcolinw
D-ABKG LufthansaEDDFWarthog1