Boeing 727 [20942 / 1130]

Registration: N994AJ
Operator: Amerijet International
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
C-GAAK Air Canada727-2331975wfu 4.02.91 to LasVeg 15.02.91
N727JH Citibank727-2331991
N727JH Carnival Air Lines727-2331991frd LVG-Saskatoon,maintn,11.12.91 lsd to Car',pkd Ft Laud 15.09.94 no tit,basic col,s15.10.94,ret Citicorp 2.11.94
N994AJ Amerijet International727-233F(WL)1994sfc 26.01.95 MIA, id s15.08.00 MIA, with winglets, Amerijet to JODA LLC 18.09.01 (is?), lsd to Amerijet (again) 18.12.01, s10.09.04 MIA "Zero-G" aircraft, add titles, operates commercial Zero-G services above Gulf of Mexico (around $2250 a ride), repo modified 11.04, s23.03.09 CUR normal Amerijet col, presum de-converted to cargo, due ret 12.09, sis Aruba 06.10 standard col, wfu 2010, sOpa-Locka 15.01.11 and 19.02.11 no engines, s20.10.11 to be broken up, s15.09.12, JODA to Amerijet 05.12, r28.1
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
C-GAAK Air CanadaKLAXWarthog1