Boeing 727 [20951 / 1101]

Registration: N908PG
Operator: Falcon Air Express
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
VH-TBL Trans Australia Airlines727-2761975
VH-TBL Iran Air727-2761976ret 8.77
VH-TBL Australian Airlines727-2761986to Ae 16.04.87
TF-FLK Icelandair727-2761987
YU-AKO Aviogenex727-2761990rt 31.03.91
TF-AIA Air Atlanta Icelandic727-2761991
TF-AIA Vietnam Airlines727-2761992at AMS 22.03.92 on ferry
TF-AIA Atlantic Islands Air727-2761992wfu Shannon 14.11.92/ sis for Inter Europ 8.92
N908PG PAHC727-2761994Tucson 12.03.94 still Atl Icel col
N908PG Kiwi International Air Lines727-2761995sfc Atl 24.02.95,ret PAHC 14.12.95
N908PG Pacific Int727-2761995sPhoe,tit 2.01.96/PAHC ret 3.06.96,s7.96 Tucson metallic /s08.96 partly painted Hinduja Cargo col, ntu?
N908PG Sky Trek International Airlines727-2761997s1.12.97 Ft Laud, fc, opf Sunjet, s10.99 St Louis, opf Sun Country
N908PG Discovery Airways727-2761999fc 14.01.00 EWR, sTucson 19.05.00 Disc. col, airtest 25.01.01 full Falcon Air Expr col
N908PG Falcon Air Express727-2762001own PegA, ART 20951 LLC 30.12.02, (not a freighter) sTucson 24.04.04, due ret 2.06, s str 16.10.04 Falcon col, s07.03.06, Falcon ret to PegA 10.05.06
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-FLK IcelandairEGPKAyronautica
TF-FLK IcelandairEGLLWarthog1