Boeing 727 [20985 / 1123]

Registration: N844AA
Operator: Private
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N844AA American Airlines727-2231975own Conn 2.81/Marana 4.04.94 TT53246,35233 L/wfu 20.11.95 TT 55597,36614 L,own AA 4.01.96/ret 20.01.96, wfu 30.08.01, Tulsa 1.09.01 tt 68490, 43392, arr Mojave 22.09.01
N844AA IRS Airlines727-2232001sold Aerospace S&LC 28.11.01, r3.01.02, depa Mojave 28.11.01 pax-config, for work Opa-Locka, s08.12.01 basic ex AA-colours, two blue stripes, pax seats removed, tanks installed for fuel deliveries to remote Angolan airfields
N844AA Private727-2232002arr Luanda N-rgd 03.02, disputes about parking fees, AS&LC was planning to repossess it, when it repo 'mysteriously' left Luanda 25.05.03 without pax, request to land Seychelles, no sightings.See arcticle link. Worries and news items about it being used as missile or for illegal activities, one report as went to 3X-GOM or 3X-GDM, others to TL-ADY but see there
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N844AA American AirlinesKTPAWarthog1