Boeing 727 [20994 / 1190]

Registration: N209TR
Operator: Interjet West
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N853AA American Airlines727-2231976wfu own Conn 2.81,ret Amrillo 4.04.95 TT 53418,34752 L,rFSBU 4.95
OO-DHX European Air Transport727-223(F)1995conv F 6.95, arr Bru 6.08.95, canc 11.03.04
EC-IVESwiftair727-223(F)2004DHL nc
HZ-SNDSNAS Aviation727-223(F)2007depa SEN late 02.05? sSEN 06.03.05, r/o SNN 05.04.07 white, flew SNN-BRU-ATH 05.04.07, IST 30.05.11 white, frd Bahrain--Dublin 01.04.14 (photoproof full DHL yellow/red cs), repainted white, frd to Gander 08.04.14, for sale by SkyQuest International, tt 70999 as of 11.13, acc to press release sold to Sierra West AL (El Paso TX)
N209TRCareer Aviation Company727-223(F)2014r16.05.14
N209TRInterjet West727-223(F)2015repo ex Sierra West, started cargo flights fis 19.07.15 Toledo-Laredo, sYIP 18.09.15 cream-white no titles, frd LRD--VQQ 02.07.16 for maint
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N853AA American AirlinesKMIAAyronautica
N853AA American AirlinesKTPAAyronautica
N853AA American AirlinesKLAXWarthog1