Boeing 727 [21045 / 1133]

Registration: N438BN
Operator: Caribbean Cargo Carriers
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N438BN Braniff Airways727-2271975dark/light green
N563PE PEOPLExpress (1981)727-2271983
N563PE Southwest Airlines727-2271984ret 31.10.85
N563PE Continental Airlines727-2271987own MNB 3.91
N17773 Continental Airlines727-2271991own MNC 8.91,NLC r12.93 (still COA),FSBU r5.94, COA 14.01.97, sMojave 2.11.99 no tit
N17773 Corporate727-2272000Jeff McRyan bt 16.06.00 xCOA, Flightstar Avtn lsd 16.06.00 (operator?), Sport Hawk Int 5.12.00, Doubleplay Avtn LLC 5.12.00, Montfort Avtn LLC 5.12.00, sORD 23.06.01 Sport Hawk fc, Sport Hawk Int. in chapter 11 10.01, sGoodyear 18.03.02 basic col no tit, frd to Tucson 28.03.02, s FLL 13.08.02 Sport Hawk col no tit, s26.03.03 Tucson Int, on exec ramp, sis PHX 22.07.04 charter for Colorado Rockies, is COS-TUS 30.03.05 new colours no titles sis CLE 16.06.05, PHX 04.08.05, s15.09.05 on Colorado Rock
N438BN Caribbean Cargo Carriers727-2272020frd MZJ-PHX 13.01.20, MCI 02.02.20, rr res 12.05.20, rr 25.06.20, no flights since 02.20 by 10.20
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N17773 CorporateKMZJgrahamepage
N17773 CorporateKDENcolinw
N17773 Continental AirlinesKTPAWarthog1