Boeing 727 [21080 / 1146]

Registration: YU-AKH
Operator: Aviogenex
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
14301Yugoslav Government727-2L81975also YU-AKH, Tito's presidential aircraft
74301Yugoslav Government727-2L81978
YU-AKH Aviogenex727-2L81983
OY-SBP Sterling Airways727-2L81987
YU-AKH Aviogenex727-2L81987
YU-AKH North African727-2L81987Aviogenex ret 1.05.89 (a photocap-sighting Glasgow 8.88 full Aviogenex col is incorrect)
YU-AKH Egyptair727-2L81988
YU-AKH Aviogenex727-2L8198931.05.92/ ret is ar 95/ Air Gabon lsd 7.96, Aviogenex ret 12.96, s4.97 fc
YU-AKH Chanchangi Airlines727-2L81998sLagos, is, sis 23.06.00
YU-AKH Aviogenex727-2L82001is JP2002, s Belgrade 10.07.02 no titles, retd
YU-AKH Efata Papua Airlines727-2L82004wtlse for 2 yrs, AL bankrupt 04.04
YU-AKH Aviogenex727-2L82004ret BEG late 04.04, (maybe didn't depart at all, last flight summer 2003), s05.04 red belly no titles, s17.07.04 BEG repo wfu, s02.05 wfu, moved to maintenance area by 08.05, engines removed, pwfu, sold to Pennant Aviation 09.06 for scrap, s11.06 fuselage only to be brup
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
YU-AKH AviogenexEGCCAyronautica
YU-AKH AviogenexEGPFAyronautica
YU-AKH AviogenexEGKKWarthog1