Boeing 727 [21091 / 1134]

Registration: 6V-AEF
Operator: Senegal Government
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Government
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N40104 Boeing727-2M11975PK-PJB Pelita NTU
6V-AEF Senegal Government727-2M1(WL)1976testfl Bournemouth 16.04.02 winglets, Super 27 cvtd, sPerpignan 29.01.05, str Perpignan 08.07, s07.08.11, frd PPG-DKR 23.11.11 (after 4 years of storage), sORY 27.11.11 no titles/logos, s13.01.12 opf Republic of Guinea Bissau, carrying coffin of the president, Mr Malam Bacai Sanha, s02.14 str Dakar, s11.14 with side engines covered str, frd Dakar--Victorville 31.03-02.04.15 bcs for storage and scrapping (had to return to Halifax YHZ 01.04.15 after take off as nose gear doors would not close), s
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6V-AEF Senegal GovernmentEGLLWarthog1